vdev Knot.SofoSupervisor

Defines a simple one-for-one generic supervisor.

Using SofoSupervisor is usually done by importing its SofoSupervisor.Spec submodule, and using it like so (eg. from your Application definition file):

  import SofoSupervisor.Spec

  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
      sofo(MyApp.WorkersSup, MyApp.Worker),
    Supervisor.start_link children, strategy: :one_for_one

This block would have started two simple one-for-one supervisor, each spawning different modules and registered under different names. Later on, you could spawn children on either one of these two supervisors, eg:

  Supervisor.start_child MyApp.WorkersSup, [arg1, arg2]

Link to this section Summary


Initializes a new simple one for one unbranded supervisor

Link to this section Types

Link to this type t()
t() :: pid

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function init(arg)
init(atom) :: {:ok, {:supervisor.sup_flags, [:supervisor.child_spec]}}

Initializes a new simple one for one unbranded supervisor.

Link to this function start_link(ref, mod)
start_link(Via.t, atom) :: {:ok, Knot.SofoSupervisor.t}