vdev Knot.Logic

Models the communication flow between nodes through clients.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function ancestry(logic, hash, top)
ancestry(Knot.Logic.t, Knot.Block.t, integer) ::
  {:ok, [Knot.Block.t]} |
  {:error, atom}
Link to this function deserialize(data)
deserialize(any) :: {:ok, any} | {:error, atom}
Link to this function find(logic, id)
find(Knot.Logic.t, Knot.Block.id) ::
  {:ok, Knot.Block.t} |
  {:error, atom}
Link to this function on_client_closed(logic, client)
on_client_closed(Knot.Logic.t, Knot.Client.t) :: :ok
Link to this function on_client_data(logic, client, data)
on_client_data(Knot.Logic.t, Knot.Client.t, any) :: :ok
Link to this function on_client_ready(logic, client)
on_client_ready(Knot.Logic.t, Knot.Client.t) :: :ok
Link to this function on_client_socket(logic, cli_socket, direction)
on_client_socket(Knot.Logic.t, Socket.t, Knot.Client.direction) :: :ok
Link to this function on_listener_terminating(logic, reason)
on_listener_terminating(Knot.Logic.t, any) :: :ok
Link to this function pid(logic)
pid(Knot.Logic.t) :: pid
Link to this function process_client_data(cmd, state, client)
process_client_data(any, Knot.Logic.State.t, Knot.socket) :: any
Link to this function push(logic, block)
push(Knot.Logic.t, Knot.Block.t) :: :ok | {:error, atom}
Link to this function seed(logic, count \\ 128)
seed(Knot.Logic.t, integer) :: Knot.Block.t
Link to this function start_link(uri_or_address, genesis)